Behind the paintbrush

Works in progress Chuck Morkin Works in progress Chuck Morkin

The Portal

I’ve been working on a painting called “The Portal.” It’s harder-edged than most of my work, involving a half-round stone enclosure wall with a portal that leads to a half-round stone amphitheater (I was thinking about the ancient amphitheaters of Rome and Greece). It started out this morning as a daylight painting (left), but approaching noon, it has just received a night sky (right).

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Works in progress Chuck Morkin Works in progress Chuck Morkin

Updates to Adirondack Repose

Now and then, a work in progress will talk back to the artist and demand change. This happened to me with “Adirondack Repose.” I wanted to create a space where the viewer of the painting could be a peace and have time to contemplate the amazing universe.

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Works in progress Chuck Morkin Works in progress Chuck Morkin

Adirondack Repose

I’m working on a painting of an Adirondack chair. I want this painting to offer a soul space. The chair might confer the gift of rest and deep connection between me and the “Ground of Being.” Enter the space and let me know.

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