Behind the paintbrush
The Portal
I’ve been working on a painting called “The Portal.” It’s harder-edged than most of my work, involving a half-round stone enclosure wall with a portal that leads to a half-round stone amphitheater (I was thinking about the ancient amphitheaters of Rome and Greece). It started out this morning as a daylight painting (left), but approaching noon, it has just received a night sky (right).
Updates to Adirondack Repose
Now and then, a work in progress will talk back to the artist and demand change. This happened to me with “Adirondack Repose.” I wanted to create a space where the viewer of the painting could be a peace and have time to contemplate the amazing universe.
Adirondack Repose
I’m working on a painting of an Adirondack chair. I want this painting to offer a soul space. The chair might confer the gift of rest and deep connection between me and the “Ground of Being.” Enter the space and let me know.
Site Launch was born today at about 2pm. I’ll hope to add new work here from time to time. Each one will picture natural environments where the viewer feels an invitation to enter in and contemplate life’s soul connections. Enjoy the trees, pathways, waterways, and hills.